Episode 2 • Roundtable with Kyle Bingham, Jeremy Brown, and Lacy Cotter-Vardeman

Click to view video: Roundtable with Kyle Bingham, Jeremy Brown, and Lacy Cotter-Vardeman

In this episode, Tillery Timmons-Sims interviews Kyle Bingham, Jeremy Brown, and Lacy Cotter-Vardeman. Each guests share their varying opinions on agriculture practices best suited for their climate, the importance of sustainability, and how producers can implement regenerative farming practices. 

More about our guests: 
Kyle Bingham, Bingham Family Vineyards  •  Instagram  •  Facebook  •  Website 
Jeremy Brown, Broadview Agriculture Inc  •  Facebook  •  Website 
Lacy Cotter-Vardeman, Cotter Key Farms / SARA  •  Instagram  •  Facebook  •  Website 

For more information about SARA, please visit sara-conservation.com
Follow SARA for more updates  •  Instagram  •  Facebook  •  LinkedIn •  X/Twitter

For further information, check out these resources mentioned in the episode: 
Dirt to Soil by Gabe Brown (Book)
Ken Burns: The Dust Bowl (Documentary)
Lubbock: From Town to City (Book) 

Conservation Stories is presented by The Sandhills Area Research Association (SARA). Subscribe now to hear all the interviews.

Upcoming Episodes Include: 

  • Bingham Family Winery with Kyle Bingham

  • Broadview Agriculture Inc with Jeremy Brown

  • Cotter Key Farms with Lacy Cotter-Vardeman

  • West Texas Meats with Matt Campbell

  • Growing Together Texas with Jessica Tullar Caroom

"Through a troublesome combination of necessity and inclination, the farmer who evolved on the plains developed a healthy propensity for innovation. He learned to accept change or he failed. He extolled the doctrine of unending progress and, as a matter of practicality, kept one eye on his neighbors’ crop and cultivation practices and adapted those which proved promising.”
-Richard Mason, Lubbock: From Town to City


Episode 3 • Connecting Rural and Urban Horticulture with Christina Reid


Episode 1 • The History of SARA with Lacy Cotter-Vardeman