SARA is here for farmers, first and foremost. We’re here to help connect producers to brands for increased revenue without a middleman, provide the farming equipment you need, and help you learn more about your land and how to take care of it so that it can continue to take care of you and your family for generations to come. Contact us today and together, we can cultivate a brighter future for farming.
Texas Climate Smart Initiative
Texas Climate Smart Initiative
The Texas Climate-Smart Initiative (TCSI) is currently accepting applications of interest for our incentive program that will be allocating nearly $40 million to incentivize adoption of climate-smart practices, which also benefit soil health and sustainability, on working lands. We created a short video and flyer (see attached) to summarize our program. But, I’ve highlighted some features below.
Please help us spread the word! Let us know if you need any additional resources or would like us to give a short talk and Q&A at your next meeting or event. Our goal is to have all the money allocated within the next year.
TCSI program highlights
Provides incentives to adopt climate-smart practices (e.g., no-till, cover cropping, forest management, manure management, etc.) to commodity producers
Incentive payments will be comparable or beat EQIP for our selected practices
Incentives cannot be duplicated on the same land at the same time for the same practice (but incentives can be added, for example if you receive federal EQIP for cover cropping, but not no-till, you could add no-till)
Incentives can be applied to practices that are already adopted
Application is expression of interest (climatesmart@tamu.edu) not enrollment. The management plan will be developed specifically for your land, and plan and incentive payment structure will be provided in the enrollment agreement.
No risk to apply
Land must be located in the state of Texas
Multi-commodity, multi-practice, and multi-year (3-4 year) contracts
Applicants can own or lease land
Enrollment starts in April until funds are allocated
Questions call (979-314-8095) or email climatesmart@ag.tamu.edu